Where can we finde two better hemispheres


1Where can we finde two better hemispheres

Without sharpe North, without declining West?

These lines have been quoted from "The Good-Morrow". composed by John Donne, the most known metaphysical poet. Here the speaker uses a conceit to suggest his contentment in love.

These lines occur in the last stars. The speaker claims that he and his beloved are like two separate hemispheres. He admits their individual identity. Again, he demands that their union is everlasting as the union of the hemispheres, which constitute the world. The speaker further demands that their world has no defect as found in the geographical world. In the real world there are freezing cold areas as well as the setting sun. But in their world of love, the temperature remains always the same. This is an example of conceit The speaker's immense satisfaction and strong confidence have been suggested in these lines.

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