Robinson Crusoe rescue the savage, Friday


 How did Robinson Crusoe rescue the savage, Friday?


 Ans. One early morning Robinson Crusoe was surprised to see five canoes on the shore. He went up the hill and found that there were thirty savages. He saw two miserable wretches dragged from the boat. One of the victims cut open for cooking him. The other one was left standing by himself. Seeing himself at liberty that poor victim ran away with incredible swiftness, Robinson was frightened when he saw him run his way. Then, Crusoe found only three men following him and the victim savage outstripping them in running. The victim savage swam across a creek in tide, one of the three savages could not swim and so he returned. The other two chased him. Robinson armed himself and swiftly came in between the pursuers and the pursued. He advanced towards the chasers and knocked one of them down with his gun. He advanced towards the other who fitted his arrow to his bow to aim at him. Therefore, Crusoe unwillingly shot and killed him. The victim saw his foes killed but he was frightened at the sound and effect of shooting. He thought he would soon be killed. Crusoe encouraged him by some signs. Ultimately, the victim moved towards Crusoe kneeling down every step as the sign of his gratitude for saving his life. The other savage merely stunned began to gain sense. Crusoe pointed to the victim that one of his chasers was still alive. The victim spoke something. To Robinson, it was the first sound of a man's voice he heard after about twenty-five years.


Crusoe gave the victim his sword and he cut off the head of his enemy with one stroke of the sword. He buried both his enemies within a quarter of an hour. Crusoe took the savage to his residence, fed him and arranged him to sleep. He slept instantly and soundly too.


The savage saved by Crusoe was handsome and well-built. After sleeping half an hour he came to Crusoe and fell prostrate upon the ground close to Crusoe's feet and set Crusoe's feet upon his head. He Expressed his humble gratitude through his sign language. Crusoe named him Friday to commemorate the day on which he saved him from the cruel hands of the cannibals. He taught Friday words like master yes', and 'no'. He offered him milk and showed him how to drink.


Friday was stark naked and Crusoe gave him clothes to wear. Friday was happy to get clothes. He expressed his desire to dig up the dead bodies of his enemies and eat them. Crusoe made him understand that it was very bad to eat human flesh. Crusoe equipped himself and Friday with arms. In order to have fuller knowledge of the cannibals, Crusoe went to visit the place of the feast of human flesh. When he reached there, his blood ran chill in his veins and his heart sank within him at the horrible sight. The ground was littered with human bones and the pieces of flesh left here and there. Crusoe asked Friday to gather all the pieces to make a pile of them and to burn them all to ashes. He found that Friday was still a cannibals and had a hungry stomach for human flesh but he dared not eat it.


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