Human language

 Why is human language wniquet

Ass. Human language is unique in comparison to non-human animal language Communication systems wed by other animals such as bees or non-human apes are closed systems in which closed umber of possible things can be expressed In contrast, human language is open-ended and productive. It allows humans to produce an infinite set of utterances from a finite set of elements and create new words and sentences. This is possible because human language is based on a dual code, where a finite number of meaningless elements letten or gestures can be combined to form units of meaning (words and sentences) Human language is intelligent production of speech. It can have substitution, duality and change Human language can express social, psychological and cultural feelings. For all these human language is unique

Many species of birds and whales learn their songs by imitating other members of their species. However, while some animals may acquire large numbers of words and symbols, none have been leamed as many different signs as is generally known by an average 4 year old human. They have not even acquired any complex grammar of human language

Human languages also differ from animal communication systems as they employ grammatical and semantic categories, such as noun and verb, present and past etc. Human language is also unique in being able to transfer abstract concepts or imagination. Human language can express events that took place in the past or may happen in the future. They can also talk about things or places that are not visible now. This ability is called displacement. Some animal communication systems can use displacement such as the communication of bees but the degree to which it is used in human language is also considered unique

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