the purposes of Wordsworth of writing his poems


What are the purposes of Wordsworth's writing his poems?


Ans. Wordsworth has written the poems with some definite purposes in mind. They are as follows:


First, Wordsworth strongly opposes triviality and meanness in poetry. So, each of his poem in Lyrical Ballads has been written with a worthy purpose - of enlightening the readers and purifying their affections.


Secondly, in his poems, Wordsworth gives more importance to feeling than to action and situation.


Thirdly, his aim in these poems has been to arouse the deadened sensibility of the age, and to show that the human mind can be excited even without the use of the uncommon and the sensational. Wordsworth is quite sure of his success in his aim for several reasons:


(i) The human mind has an inherent love of the noble and the dignified.


(ii) There are certain objects which are a continuous source of excitement in human mind. (iii) There are a number of men of great power in the age, who are working against contemporary sensationalism.

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