humble and rustic life


Why does Wordsworth choose situations from  "humble and rustic life “?


On what grounds does Wordsworth favour humble and rustic life as the most suitable subject for poetry?




What are the reasons for Wordsworth's preference for rustic life?


Ans. There are numerous reasons for Wordsworth's preferring humble and rustic life as the themes of his poetry:

First, choosing humble and rustic life, Wordsworth is able to enlarge the scope and range of his poetry.


Secondly, the essential passions of human heart find free and frank expression in the condition of life led by the rustics.

Thirdly, the primary instincts and impulses which govern human conduct can best be understood by studying the simple and most elementary forms of life.


Fourthly, the manners of the rustics are not sophisticated. They are simple and so more conducive to an understanding of human nature.


Finally, he prefers humble and rustic life because in that condition "the passions of men are the result of nature."

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