The grim truth


 How does Zeus react when he wakes up to the grim truth of Poseidon's action and Hera's conspiracy?


Ans. Zeus flares up and takes Hera to task. Hera swears that she is in no way responsible for Poseidon's action. Being still under her seductive charm Zeus accepts her words in good humour. Strangely enough he goes as far as to assure her that the fall of Troy is imminent. He tells her that Patroclus will join the battle on the command of Achilles. Hector will kill him. Mad in grief Achilles will kill Hector completely demoralising the Trojans, Zeus then commands Iris to convey his message to Poseidon not to interfere in the battle anymore. Poseidon grows furious and is in defiant mood. Iris pacifies him and he is made to retire from the battlefield. Ajax and Teucer tried their best, but to no avail. Apollo comes to rejuvenate Hector from the state of coma and charioted him in the battlefield making no secret to his presence. Hector leads the Trojans armed with burning torches to set fire to the Greek ships.

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