

How does Achilles respond to the proposal of reconciliation conveyed to him by the emissaries sent by Agamemnon?


Ans. The Greeks being thoroughly demoralized feeling that there is no season for fighting a lost cause, Nestor advised Agamemnon to send an emissary to Achilles. They should convey to Achilles the proposal of Agamemnon for reconciliation. The emissary consisted of Ajax, Ulysses and Phoenix. They find Achilles playing upon a lyre to get rid of his pensive mood. Achilles accords a hearty welcome to the visitors and asks Patroclus to arrange a grand feast for them. After the feast Ulysses appeals to Achilles to leave the past behind and take up the arms to save the honour of the Greeks. Briseis will be sent  back to him. Besides, Agamemnon offers one of his daughters in marriage together with a vast treasure of wealth and choicest horses. However, they find no positive response from Achilles.

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