The drooping courage of the Greeks


Discuss the part played by Poseidon to rejuvenate the drooping courage of the Greeks?


Ans. Poseidon comes to the rescue of the demoralized Greeks. He instils courage into their drooping hearts. However, he remains conscious lest he should incur displeasure of Zeus directly helping the Greeks. Now inspired by Poseidon the leading Greek leaders meet in a council. Agamemnon proposes that they should rather return home. Diomedes strongly protests against such cowardly attitude of the king. The other lenders including Poseidon approve of the decision to fight unto the last. Hera was afraid lest Zeus should spoil their plan. She casts her enchanting spell on her husband and compels him to pass a few idle hours with her. Poseidon takes this golden chance and extends active help to the Greeks. In fact he leads the Greek army and inflicts crush of defeat on the Trojans increasing the list of their casualties. Even Hector has to be removed injured.

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