Death of Patroclus


 The death of an individual-not very important one affects the destiny of two mighty nations-Discuss.


Ans. The death of Patroclus, not an important figure brings about the desired change in the stalemate of ten years of seizure of Troy. It directly affects the destiny of two mighty nations. Thetis warns Achilles, now mad in grief and determined to avenge the death of his dearest friend, that the death of Hector will soon be followed by his own death. Now Zeus is also inclined to lend all possible help to the Greeks. Thetis brings her son new helmet, armour and shield Arogant Achilles sincerely apologies to Agamemnon. Agamemnon gladly offers him Briseis. Now he has nothing to do with a woman. His blood boiling for revenge. The end of the Trojan war that continued for ten long years, came to an end with the death of the two greatest and mightiest of all on either side with the participation of both mortals and immortals in the final encounter.


The death of Hector culminated in the fall of Troy. The death of Achilles soon followed when he was struck with an arrow in the heel by Paris. Achilles' shield also became an apple of discord. Both Ulysses and Ajax claimed it. When refused Ajax fell upon his own sword. Ulysses gave it to Neoptolemus, son of Achilles.


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