Athens during the time of Aeschylus


State what you know about the changes that come over in Greece, particularly in Athens during the time of Aeschylus.


Ans. A sea change came over Greece, particularly Athens in five hundred B.C. Aeschylus was raised in Eleusis, a small town just outside Athens, a great centre of learning and important religious cult. During this time almos the city states enjoyed freedom. Sometime a particular city or a group flourished more than the rest During such transitional period power passed on to the nobles from the kings and then from the nobles to the powerful merchants. But in course of time these merchants turned tyrants and built up an unholy alliance with the Parsian Empire. By the end of the sixth century B.C. the freedom movement gained momentum and ended through the expulsion of the treacherous tyrants. This was followed by the establishment of democracy in Greece.


Aeschylus was a soldier, poet and patriot who fought the great battle of Marathon and Salamis. So he had the opportunity to go through tyrannies, revolutions and wars. Now such people were called up to take charge of three pillars of democracy-Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. During such a transitional period the citizens were confronted with such questions as the nature of justice and the relation of justice to vengeance.

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