Who was Pluto


Who was Pluto? What is his role in The Frogs?


 Ans. Pluto is the son of Saturn and Ops. He inherited his father's kingdom with his brothers-Jupiter and Neptune. He occupied the underworld as his share. While Proserpine was gathering flowers found her and grabbed her and finally married her. First he abducted and then married her. He made her the Queen of Hell.


Pluto plays a vital role, though he does not make his presence folk all through the drama.


When there is a dispute between Aeschylus and Euripides, Pluto arrives crowned and sceptred. Then Dionysus complains about having to choose between two such capable dramatists. Pluto instructs him to make his choice and the winner black to earth. Pluto bids them farewell as Aeschylus gives his chair to Sophocles.


So it is Pluto who comes in to resolve the dispute. Had there been no Pluto the dispute would have been left undecided. He is the king of Hell. Naturally he had the right to deal with the problem. He solves the problem satisfactorily. Through satire and fun the dispute is resolved and it ends happily.

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