Robinson Crusoe build his fortress shelter in the desolate island


How did Robinson Crusoe build his fortress shelter in the desolate island?


Ans. Robinson Crusoe was left alone on a desolate island. He was in great danger because of a lot of problems. He had no food, no drink, no shelter. He was afraid of being devoured by the wild beasts anytime. He felt the need of having a safe shelter for himself. He wanted to make a cave in the earth and a tent upon the earth to protect himself from any possible danger.


Then he went in search of a healthy and wholesome place where fresh  water should be available. He wanted a shelter from the sun and a safe place secured from wild harmful creatures. He was looking for a place overlooking the sea so that if any ship comes in sight  Crusoe could take the opportunity of catching her eyes and his deliverance. He searched a little plain on the side of a rising hill. On the one side of this rocky hill there was a hollow place like a door. Crusoe decided to pitch tent at this place. He prepared a fence so that no man or beast can get into it. That took him much time and labour. He reached his tent by a ladder. When he reached there he lifted the ladder over after him. He was then completely fenced and fortified, He carried all his provisions and ammunitions in that fortress. In order to protect himself from the rain he had one smaller tent and one larger tent above it. He brought there a hammock to sleep. He made a cave behind his tent which served him as a cellar. Later on, he enlarged his cave to provide a place to make fire.


Robinson Crusoe was happy to learn that there were plenty of goats on that island. One day he killed one she-goat and her kid. He wanted to bring it up as tame. But when it refused to eat, Crusoe killed it and ate its flesh. Crusoe sometimes suffered from an unhappy prospect of his condition. He thought that God had punished him by casting him on a desolate island. He wept and complained to God why He had driven him in that worst miserable condition. But soon reason dawned on him, and he realised that God had been merciful to him as he was saved alone while all his other companions died. He was thankful to God that he had enough subsistence to live on that island. Day by day, the ship was driven so near the shore that he could get out of the ship many necessary things, especially arms and ammunition. He brought from the ship many thing like pen, paper, ink, compasses, chart and Bibles. He brought a dog and two cats. He also got many useful things like spade, pick axe, shovel, needles, pins and thread.


Crusoe had set his foot on that desolate island on the 30th of September. In order to reckon time and remember Sabbath days he cut the date with a knife upon a wooden board. Everyday he made a notch on it. In that way he made a sort of calendar. Then he made a chair and table to increase his comforts especially when he had to take meals. He made his living comfortable by his labour, application and contrivance. He mastered his despondency by remembering the many comfort he had. He set the good against the evil.

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