Robinson Crusoe improve himself in the mechanical exercises

How did Robinson Crusoe improve himself in the mechanical exercises?


Ans. Robinson Crusoe made the first canoe with the trunk of a huge tree. But Crusoe could not use it because it was too heavy to move to the water. The past experience of venturing into the sea made him disappointed. He no longer dared another voyage. He led a retired life for a year resigning himself to the will of providence. Except for the fact that he had no society, he lived a very happy life.

Crusoe improved himself in the mechanic exercises. He became a very good carpenter and a good potter. He made some nice earthenware on a wheel. He made a tobacco pipe and was very happy with it. He became expert in making baskets in which he brought Mesh of goats and turtle. He used large deep baskets to bring grain. His gunpowder was decreasing and he wanted to use it sparingly. Instead of shooting the goats he wanted now to breed them tame. He trapped one old he-goat, one she-goat and two kids. He enclosed them with fence on a woody ground of hundred and fifty yards in length and hundred yards in breadth to keep the tame goats from the wild ones. He treated the goats so affectionately that they became tame within a very short time. In about a year and a half he had a flock of twelve goats, and in two years more he had forty-three goats. He got from them not only flesh but also milk. He set up a dairy. He was also successful to get butter and cheese. Crusoe thanked God and praised nature for providing him generously in wilderness. He was very happy with the family of parrot, dog and cats. He was like a king wanting nothing but human society.


Robinson Crusoe seemed to himself a scarecrow-like figure with his funny dresses. He wore a great high shapeless cap and a jacket of goatskin coming down to the middle of his thighs. He wore breeches with hair hanging down on either side and reaching the middle of his legs. He had no shoes or stockings, but something like buskins to flap over his legs. He had a belt of a goatskin. Instead of buckless in it there were something like frogs. Instead of sword and daggers he carried hatchet and saw. He wore another belt not so broad as the first one. There hung two pouches under his arm. He carried an umbrella of goatskin. He had a beard about a quarter of a yard long. He had frightful whiskers. He went to the sea in such a shape.


The sea was calm and quiet. There was no current, no motion, no rippling. Observing the ebbing and flowing of the tide he thought of bringing back the canoe he had made on the other side of the island. He felt quite uneasy about his boat lying useless on the other side of the island. He planned to go there to see if he could manage to bring his boat to this side. When he was sure that it was quite impossible for him to bring the boat from other side, he thought of making another boat smaller than the first one.


Crusoe was quite happy with his two dwelling places-one was his fortification of the cave with its door on the wall above, and the other was the country house. 

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