the character of Achilles


Comment on the character of Achilles-Is he a tragic hero?


Ans. Achilles is a savage hero, He withdraws from the battle for a woman. Despite being a demoniac, diabolical, heartless, brute, he is not devoid of romantic and artistic bend of mind. He is, however, an embodiment of obstinacy. Ulysses condemns him as he remains cold when the national honour is at stake. Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks tenders apology to him. But he does not honour this sentiment. He lacks in the softer and nobler qualities of Hector. Everything about Achilles is turned to the highest pitch. His initial mistake is marked in his quarrel with Agamemnon. He calls for an assembly of the entire army keeping Agamemnon in the dark. Thus he upsets the protocol. He prefers a short life of glory to long life without fame. The death of Patroclus totally disbalanced him. No reader will acknowledge the hero of an epic indulging in such violent emotion tainted with sheer brutality.

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