Homer influence down the ages


 How does Homer influence down the ages?


Ans. Homer, the blind poet, was born three thousand years ago. He had on him the stamp of immortality. His great epics The Iliad and The Odyssey have been the source of great inspiration for over two thousand years. There is hardly any European epic poet, ancient or modern who has not been influenced by Homer. Almost all great poets drew their inspiration from Homer who travelled on earth so many years ago when the human civilization was in her infancy. Critics like Aristotle and Horace are indebted to him for drawing illustrations from his poems. The great poets like Virgil, Petrarch and Tasso followed the footsteps of Homer. The English and the French boast that they are the descents from the Trojans. Chaucer, the father of modern English poetry has paid glowing tribute to Homer.


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