The Iliad


What are the legends that have helped Homer to write down such a great epic like The Iliad?


Ans. Legends, that have direct bearing upon the story of Troy or Ilium, were about its geographical situation as we know in the modern times. So far as the historians have ascertained the mighty city of Troy was situated in Asia Minor. It is known as Troad in the modern times. The founder of the city was Ilus, son of Tros. Legends has it that the city was built by Laomedon. Poseidon and Apollo helped him for handsome reward. The Trojan king went back on his words after the completion of the city. Angry Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the newly built city.


Gods advised king Laomedon that Hesione, his daughter should be sacrificed to appease the sea-monster. Hercules was summoned to kill the monster. This time also the king broke his promise. Hercules killed Laomedon and took away Heisone for one of his closest friends. The story of The Iliad begins with Priam, son of Laomedon ascending the throne of Troy. He married Hecabe and had many children.

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