Hecabe's dream


What was queen Hecabe's dream when she had conceived Paris? What happened to the new born child?


Ans. While Hecabe had conceived Paris, she dreamt that the child to be born was a flaming brand. He would bring untold sufferings and misery to the Trojans. As soon as Paris was born he was left on Mount Ida so that he might be killed and devoured by wild animals. Destiny saved Paris to fulfil god's will. He grew up as a most handsome young man, brought up and protected by shepherds. He was also the nursing of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty who throughout his life was his presiding deity. At the marriage-feast of mortal king Peleus and sea-nymph Thetis, Eris, the goddess of strife threw a golden apple on which was engraved-'For the Fairest'. Subsequently Paris enraged Hera and Athene for his judgement in favour of Aphrodite and proved his mother's dream to be true.

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