Why is poetry superior to science?


Ans. Poetry is a source of knowledge, just as science is a source of knowledge. The knowledge of both the poet and scientist provides pleasures. But the knowledge in both cases is quite different. The knowledge of the man of science is of a particular kind. It is truth which cannot be shared by all humanity, and the pleasure from such knowledge is confined to the scientist alone. The poet, on the other hand, gains knowledge which cleaves to us as a necessary part of our existence. The poet talks of universal truths and basic laws of human existence and nature. The poet upholds love, and bind human society by passion and emotions. A poet sings a song in which all humanity shares. The poet rejoices in the presence of truth which is our visible friend and hourly companion. Poetry contains the very essence of knowledge because the knowledge can be shared by all human beings. So, poetry is the first and last of all knowledge and it is as immortal as the heart of man. Poetry is, thus, superior to science.

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