Summary of Marriage of Single Life


 Summary of Marriage of Single Life 

He who has a wife and children is a hostage in the hands of destiny, for whether they are good or bad, there is a great obstacle in the way of any great work. In fact, large works for the welfare of the people are usually done by unmarried or childless persons; they have sacrificed their lives for the sake of life and for the sake of a great cause. And those who have children have a special reason to be cautious about the future because they know very well that they will have to leave their precious possessions in the future. Some, who lives a lonely life, compose a grave of their own thoughts and therefore consider the future to be irrelevant. Not only that, there are some who consider wife and children as a form of expenditure. There are some foolish greedy, rich people who are proud of not having children, because in that case, they may feel richer. But the most common reason for not getting married is the desire for a free life, especially for those who are self-seeking and have a whimsical temperament; they are so sensitive about any kind of bondage that they even consider the waistband and socks as chains.

Unmarried people may be the best as friends, bosses, and servants but they are not very good as citizens; this is because they are often runaways as a result of being relieved of their burdens and all fugitives fall into this category. Living alone is good for the priest. Judges and magistrates have nothing to do with getting married. As I have seen in the case of soldiers, commanders in their pre-combat speeches remind their wives and children of their duties and motivate them to do their duty. In fact, wives and children teach people to be more humane.

Unmarried people, although they occasionally become benevolent, because their wealth is abundant, they are mostly cruel and hard-hearted. (Judgment of the originators) is cruel, because there is no time for them to show the tenderness of heart. People of a serious nature become loving husbands through the practice of perpetual traditions and customs; this is said in the case of Ulysses. He left immortality and chose his old wife. Chaste women always feel proud and superior and consider chastity to be great quality. If the wife thinks the husband is intelligent, she can create a bond between her honesty and loyalty; but if her husband is violent, she can never be faithful and loyal to him. For men, the wife is a lover in youth, a companion in middle age, and a nurse in old age. This is a strong argument for marriage. What is the best time to get married again, in this context (Thalesof Miletus - Philosopher and Mathematician of Old Greece - c. 624 - 546 BC) said  Youth is not the best time to get married, just get married again when you are older Should not — he was one of the famous wise men.

It is often seen that the wives of bad husbands are very good. For whatever it is, when they behave kindly, wives have high esteem for their husbands; or they may feel proud because of their patience. But in spite of hundreds of prohibitions from friends and well-wishers, if someone chooses a bad groom of his choice, then there is no crack in the marital life because the wife is then ready to atone for her mistake.

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