The summary of Speech on the East India Bill


The summary of Speech on the East India Bill

The East India Bill was proposed in the British Parliament, in the "House of Commons" section, to the British Queen in 1783 regarding the misconception of the East India Company and its cruelty to the people of the Indian subcontinent.

The bill is considered England's "second Magna-Carta". This bill is a milestone in the the entire corpus of English writing about Indians, where one British wrote on behalf of the Indian subcontinent.

British East India The company started its business in India in 1540. They were in India for about a hundred years. At first, it was a small company. From 1600 the company searched their business. In 1757, the East India Company defeated Nawab Sirajuddaula at the Battle of Palashi, which laid the foundation of the East India Company's colonialism over Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. Within a hundred years they gradually expanded their kingdom throughout India. In 1774 they assassinated the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah and during their rule began to control the entire Indian subcontinent.

The British rule in India was unforgettable. The plight of the common people of the subcontinent was increasing day by day during the British rule. The brutality and cruelty of the East India Company made the lives of Indians a living hell. Warren Hastings introduced many new ways of exploiting the Indian people. East India The company was getting richer by exploiting the people. Here are some of the British atrocities against India:

The British established the law of sunset for feudal customs. The feudal class of the subcontinent had to pay taxes for their own land. And if anyone misses the tax payment timeline, his land will be confiscated by the East India Company. And if any of the feudal class dies and leaves an orphan who is not mature enough, all his land will be confiscated. The feudal class demanded higher taxes from the peasants to save their own land.

Our farmers could not grow their own food, but they were forced to cut the blue. The Indian people forgot the minimum freedom of life. After the death of the last Mughal emperor, Indians began to lose complete political independence in their lives. Law and order were completely broken during the East India Company's tenure. All Indian resources were taken to England. We had to buy our own food at unusual prices.

The educational status of India was not so high. The British did nothing to educate the Indian people.

The condition of the women was not so safe. The British took the widow to any restricted place where they had sex with her. Thus the girls became the concubines of the British.

Edmund Burke never visited India. Yet he felt a strong passion for Indians. British rule in the subcontinent had a profound negative effect on Edmund Burke's thinking. As a member of the British Parliament, he raised a political voice on behalf of the Indian people. All these things; Political, social, economic, and law and order were raised in the East India Bill. He realized very well that the brutal Indian organization had destroyed Queen Victoria's glamor and fame. The people of the subcontinent hated the British from the bottom of their hearts. He wanted to introduce an executive British power instead of authoritarian merchant empowerment. He completely rejected the activities of Warren. Hastings. His aim was also to make the queen understand the importance of India's largest colony.  The British national income comes from India 75%. Thus, Edmund Burke requested the Queen to replace Warren Hasting with a new Vice-Rye in his service. Thus, the new Vice-British would rule in India according to the rules of the British royal family.

Burke's speech served two purposes for the success of the Indian people:

i) Get a good government for them

ii) To convince the Indian people that British imperialism is not related to the dictatorship has done to the Indian people.

This bill is called for freedom, brotherhood, and equality. We believe that this bill influenced the minds of patriotic Indians like Mahatma Gandhi, Shubh Basu, etc. a hundred years later, it created a sense of liberation in the Indian people.

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