The middle English period


The Middle English period

The duration of the age is (1066-1500). It is the second age of English literature. This age is divided into three-part such as;

Ø  Anglo-Norman period (1066-1340).

Ø  The age of Chaucer (1340-1400)

Ø  The Barren/Dark Age (1400-1485)

 Firstly, we will know key incident of this age.

Ø  The English parliament is established in 1295
Ø  William Caxton discovered the printing press in 1476.
Ø  Columbus had discovered America.
Ø  Vasco Da Gama arrived India in 1498.
Ø  Megna Carta is established on 15th June 1215.

Now, we will know writers and works of The middle English period.

John Wycliffe (1330-1384): He is called the father of English Prose. His famous work is;

Ø  Translation of Bible /New testament into English

John Gower(1325-1408): his famous work is;

Ø  Confessio Amantits

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340/43-1400): He is called the father of English literature. On the other side, he is called the father of poetry. His famous works are :

Ø  The Canterbury Tales

v  Key information about this work

v  Published :1400

v  Lines: 17000

v  Stories :24

v  Compose time: Between 1387 to 1400

v  A Group of Pilgrim

v  Highlighted :

·        Corruption of society

·        Position of Women

·        Social activists

·        Economic conditions of people at that moment.

·        Conditions of church

The character of the book;

v  The narrator

v  The Knight

v  The Wife of Bath

v  The pardoner

v  The Miller

v  The prioress

v  The monk

v  The Friar

v  The Summoner

v  The Host

v  The parson

v  The squire

v  The plowman

v  The cook

v  The Clerk etc.

Ø  Troilius and Criseyde

Ø  The Book of the Duchess

Ø  The house of Fame

Ø  The Legend of Good women


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