Zeus sent to Agamemnon


What was the deceptive dream that Zeus sent to Agamemnon?


Ans. The deceptive dream that Zeus sent to Agamemnon was that the fall of Troy was imminent. The vision came in the shape of Nestor who encouraged him to attack Troy with all vigour and strength. Agamemnon woke up with the prospect of ultimate victory over the Trojans. He could foresee that his army would be rejoicing at the prospect of returning home at long last and meet their wives and children. Alarmed at this Hera and Athene tried their best to mobilize the Greek soldiers who had been greatly demoralised Meanwhile an ugly Greek named Thersites, a past master in demoralizing the heroes started denouncing Agamemnon. He addressed the soldiers as 'women of Greece' and persuaded them to go back home. However, both Ulysses and Nestor turned them back to the battlefield at their exhortation. They remind us of the fickle Roman mob in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar'.

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