The Trojan


The Trojan prisoners unhesitatingly testified the fact that Odysseus or Ulysses wrought the greatest harm to them.-Justify this statement.


Ans. A true Greek hero Odysseus was the king of Ithaca. He had a splendid physique and was every inch a praiseworthy man. He was the only Greek hero who combined brain with brawn. No doubt he was less illustrious than Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax and Diomedes as war lords. Even in oratory he was not the supreme. But he knew it for certain that ultimately it is the brain that surpasses even inhuman physical strength. As good an archer as Ajax, he was beaten in speed of foot only by Achilles. He is always guided by reason and not silly sentiment. As regards prudence he can only be compared to Nestor, At times he seemed to be wiser and superior to Nestor. Finally, it is he who has penetrated the impregnable walls of Troy and besieged for ten years and brings to the end of the Trojan war in favour of the Greeks. The Trojan prisoners have justly commented that it was Odysseus who had wrought the greater harm to them.

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